Thursday 2 November 2017

Gen. Knowledge MCQs

Gen. Knowledge MCQs 
Question: Who was adjusted Man of the match in the final of Asia Cup Cricket Tournament 2008 ?

1. Mutthiya Murlidharan
2. Kumar Sankara
3. Ajanta Mendis
4. None of these

Correct Answer: 3.

Question: Name the longest river in the world ?

1. Mississippi
2. Missouri
3. Nile
4. Saint Lawrence

Correct Answer: 3.

Question : Who is the author of “Asian drama”?

1. William Shakespeare
2. Gunnar Myrdal
3. Jawahar Lal Nehru
4. None of these

Correct Answer: 2.

Question: Which composer wrote 27 piano concertos, 23 string quartets, 35 violin sonatas and more than 50 symphanies?

1. Mozart
2. James Galway
3. Messiaen
4. None of these

Correct Answer: 1.

Question: What is the order of magnitude of electric resistance of the human body (dry)?

1. 102 ohm
2. 104 ohm
3. 106 ohm
4. 108 ohm

Correct Answer: 3.

Question : What is a non-working male bee called?

1. Male-Bee
2. Drone
3. King

Correct Answer: 2.

Question: Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya’s Dargah is located at...................

1. Ajmer
2. Mumbai
3. Delhi
4. Hyderabad

Correct Answer: 3.

Question: What does the latin word 'vox populi' mean ?

1. Pen name
2. To infinity
3. A method of operating
4. The voice of the people

Correct Answer: 4.

Question The largest bay in the world is

1. Baffin Bay
2. Mezenskaya Bay
3. Obskaya Bay
4. Hudson Bay

Correct Answer: 4.

Question The First Global Agro Industries Forum met in April, 2008 at-

1. Geneva
2. Doha
3. New York
4. New Delhi

Correct Answer: 4.

Question: Which one of the following cities is a birth place of Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib, and musician Ustad Faiyaz Khan ?

1. Lucknow
2. Agra
3. Barabanki
4. None of the above

Correct Answer: 2.

Question: The planet nearest to the earth is

1. Mars
2. Jupiter
3. Mercury
4. Saturn

Correct Answer: 1.

Question: Who is India's ambassador to the US?

1. Ronen Sen
2. Montek Singh Ahluwalia
3. Lalit Mansingh
4. Rajat Gupta

Correct Answer: 1.

Question 32: Which of the following is the brightest star in our solar system?

1. Proxima Centauri
2. Canopus
3. Sirius
4. None of the above

Correct Answer: 3.

Question : In which of the following cities has the monument of Martyr and War of independence been established?

1. Allahabad
2. Meerut
3. Kanpur
4. None of the above

Correct Answer: 3.

Question 36: What is the baby owl called ?

1. Chick
2. Owlet
3. Spat
4. Calf

Correct Answer: 2.

Question Where is the seat of International Court of Justice

1. Rome
2. New Delhi
3. London
4. The Hague

Correct Answer: 4.

Question 38: The in Arjun Awards were instituted the year

1. 1965
2. 1963
3. 1961
4. 1967

Correct Answer: 3.

Question: Titagarh in West Bengal is famous for—

1. Paper manufacturing
2. Locomotive manufacturing
3. Fertilisers industry
4. Textile industry

Correct Answer: 1.

Question: Which one of the following is the first space craft to go beyond our solar system?

1. Salyut
2. Viking I
3. Pioneer 10
4. Viking 2

Correct Answer: 3.

Question: Which of the following Trophies/Cups is associated with the game of Golf ?

1. Iran Cup
2. Padmawati Trophy
3. Topolino Trophy
4. V. C. Gupta Trophy

Correct Answer: 3.

Question: Which of the following is an antibiotic?

1. Aspirin
2. Paracetamol
3. Penicillin
4. Sulphadizine

Correct Answer: 3.

Question: The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way. It is shaped approximately like

1. A round ball
2. A doughnut
3. A pretzel
4. A flat spiral

Correct Answer: 4.

Question First Asian Woman Lord Mayor of Britain:

1. Reshma Shah
2. Anju Sood
3. Kavita Sahni
4. Sushma seth

Correct Answer: 1.

Question: In which Olympic the first Olympic Torch was lighted?

1. Mexico
2. Amsterdam
3. USA
4. Germany

Correct Answer: 2.

Question: The name United Nations was suggested by

1. Stalin
2. Sir Winston Churchill
3. F.D.Roosevelt
4. Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer: 3.

Question The first recipient of Nehru Award was

1. Mother Teresa
2. Martin Luther king
3. U Thant
4. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Correct Answer: 4.

Question: Doctor who deals with cancer in body is known as

1. Pediatrition
2. Urologist
3. Psychiatrist
4. Oncologist

Correct Answer: 4.

Question: Dal Lake is situated in

1. Jammu & Kashmir
2. Orissa
3. Punjab
4. New Delhi

Correct Answer: 1.

Question : In the early Olympic Games, only free, male Greek citizens could compete. After Rome conquered Greece, Romans participated as well. Which Roman emperor competed at Olympia in a ten-horse chariot race

1. Augustus
2. Nero
3. Tiberius
4. Vespasian

Correct Answer: 2.

Question: Aymara and Quechua are

1. Languages
2. Trees
3. Mountains
4. Rivers

Correct Answer: 1.

Question: Which blood group is called Universal Doner?

1. A
2. B
3. AB
4. O

Correct Answer: 4.

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