Saturday, 11 March 2017

How to prevent Nail Fungus

How to prevent Nail Fungus
There are a variety of strategies to prevent nail fungus, from basic hygienic measures to
diminishing other risk factors. If you follow these strategies, you will hopefully be able to avoid
developing a fungal infection on yourfingernails or toenails; however, if an infection does
develop, there are medications you can use to treat it and to hopefully prevent future episodes.
Trying Simple Hygiene Measures

1.Wash your hands and feet regularly.“ Washing your hands and feet regularly with warm
water and soap (including washing your feet at least once a day when you have a shower) helps
to keep them clean. This, in turn, minimizes the chance that a fungal infection will grow on your
nails. Make sure that you wash between your fingers and toes, as well as over the nails
themselves. Regular and thorough washing is one of the best things you can do for prevention

2.Trim your nails regularly. It is important to clip your nails regularly to keep them short. This
minimizes the surface area upon which fungi can grow, and it also decreases the moisture and
dirt that can get trapped under long nails. Regular trimming increases the hygiene of your nail
environment, hence reducing the probability of developing a fungal infection.

Keep your nails natural.  As much as nail polish and artificial nails may seem
aesthetically appealing, they trap additional moisture in your nails and actually increase
your risk of developing a fungal infection. Avoid nail polish and artificial nails if possible.
Also, if you attend a nail salon for regular nail maintenance, ensure that it is a reliable
one that keeps their instruments very clean, so as not to increase your chances of
infection in any way.
If you are concerned about nail fungus but want to still go for a pedicure or manicure, it
is okay to do so. The cleaning and trimming of your nails can actually be beneficial.
However, you are advised to forego the nail polish at the end. Your nails can still look
nice and presentable after a pedicure or manicure, even without nail polish.
Also avoid artificial nails or any artistic decorations on your nails.
- Be aware that fungal infections can spread from one nail to

Therefore, if you have developed a fungal infection on one nail, it
is important to wash your hands whenever you touch that nail to minimize
the chances that the infection will spread from one nail to your other nails.


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